How all Perth Women Can Benefit from a Day Spa Facial

Posted by Karen Skewes on 29th Aug 2013

How all Perth Women Can Benefit from a Day Spa Facial


Our bodies’ largest organ is our skin. It’s also the most exposed and most abused organ and it directly reflects your total well-being. Most of us want our skin to be healthy looking, especially our face which is the main area of concern for most women. Taking good care of your skin starts from understanding the benefits of skincare.

Facials are an effective skin treatment for our face and are most effectively given by a licensed and expert aesthetician or care specialist. Here at Le Beau Day Spa Perth, we ensure our customers are in the hands of our professional trained skin care specialists.

What are the steps in having a facial?

At Le Beau Day Spa Perth we pride ourselves on providing excellent service, so we ensure that all of our facials follow a standard process:

  1. Consultation – we discuss your current skin regime
  2. Skin analysis – we analyse your skin to ensure we use appropriate products to suit
  3. Cleansing – a thorough cleanse is essential to start any facial treatment
  4. Exfoliation – to remove the surface layer of rough dry skin cells
  5. Unclogging congested pores – to clear blackheads and whiteheads that may mar your complexion
  6. Massage, mask, and SPF application – a relaxing massage to infuse the skin with the selected product, a mask to firm, tighten and tone the skin and the application of sunscreen to protect your skin from the elements.

Why is a regular facial important?

A good facial is not only a relaxing and wonderful treatment it also maintains and improves the quality of our skin. At Le Beau Day Spa Perth we believe that a facial is not a luxury but a necessity! Why you may ask? Here are some important reasons to have a facial as a part of your regular beauty routine:

  • Massage

The massage included in a facial aids in stimulating blood circulation and relaxes the facial muscles. This can eventually help slow down the appearance of wrinkles, puffiness, and sagging.

  • Solving Skin Challenges

A good facial will give a cleaner and brighter complexion, removing excess oil, dirt, and blackheads and also helps reduce acne flare-ups.

  • Anti-aging

Some facials contain free-radical fighting nutrients such as Vitamins A and E, which removes harmful pollutants in our skin as well as reduces dark circles, especially under the eyes.

  • Boosts

Facials help relax the body, loosen congested skin, retain skin moisture, and rejuvenate and improve skin quality.

  • Expert advise

Receiving a facial gives you a chance to discuss your skin care needs with a professional skin care practitioner. Have your skin analysed to determine what your specific needs are. Your aesthetician may recommend products for home application to keep your skin in top-notch shape.

Let’s face it! There’s definitely more to it that just washing your face with soap and water! Give your face the treatment it deserves and call us at Le Beau Day Spa Perth 08 9331 1122 with any questions or to book an appointment!