
11th Mar 2014

IPL Treatment: Less Invasive and More Effective

The first IPL laser device was used in 1996. The system used breakthrough technology and successfully treated patients with treatment-resistant facial port wine stains in Germany, and a range of vascular disorders. The device used today uses these same principles. In the same year, reports were published that IPL had a significant effect in treating excess hair on clients who underwent the IPL procedure (beard growth was reduced). This was followed up with a solid study that established IPL as a safe and effective treatment for a long term hair removal.

An IPL or Intense Pulsed Light laser is a technology commonly used in skin clinics and by dermatological practitioners to perform various skin treatments, including the removal of hair and photo-rejuvenation. It uses a specific wavelength of light to target certain imperfections found in the skin by the attraction to pigment (colour).

How IPL Technology Works

An IPL treatmentis the selective treatment of skin lesions or other skin problems using light energy known as selective photo-thermolysis. The procedure uses light energy, manipulating it to match the color of the lesion and delivering the light energy for a specific length of time.

IPL treatments uses highly advanced machines and well-trained and licensed personnel to accomplish the intricate task of restoring your beauty. IPL treatments also has the latest luminous technology, which is the best brand available for performing IPL treatments. It delivers the required energy in exact precision and timing and is TGA approved so you know that it’s safe and effective.

An IPL device generates pulses of light produced by bursts of electrical current through a xenon gas chamber. The output lamp is then directed toward the distal end of the IPL device which releases the energy pulse to the skin via a sapphire or quartz block. Each device is installed with different cooling systems, such as cryogen spray, forced refrigerated air and contact cooling to protect the skin from further damage.

The light pulses being emitted by the IPL device have a specific intensity, duration and spectral distribution to allow controlled delivery of refined light energy into the skin tissue. IPL usage in dermatology relies on the fact that there are specific areas to target,chromophores for example, are capable of absorbing light energy pulses from the IPL device to achieve the desired effect.

The principle that IPL follows is of the selective photothermolysis. Through this, thermally mediated radiation only targets and damages confined areas at the cellular or tissue level. Nearby tissues and cells are spared from thermal injury.

Most IPL devices available on the market are installed with a system that enables the technician to control the light emitted at a lower level by using “cut off” filters to specifically target the desired areas for treatment. This is one of IPL’s best features - the ability to target multiple areas for treatment yet avoid unnecessary injury to areas not selected for treatment.

Why it is a Better Solution in Removing Unwanted Hair?

As you may have experienced, using a razor or waxing to remove excess hair has some major disadvantages like cuts from razors, pain from waxing and topical hair removing agents don’t remove all hair.

An IPL treatment offered at Le Beau Day Spa Perth relieves you from these setbacks caused by traditional hair removal techniques. The pain free procedure that you experience is first among laser treatments, and the pre-procedure care that you’ll receive gives you all the necessary information, giving you confidence in the IPL procedure.

The effectiveness of IPL treatments is special. The long lasting effect that the treatment offers is one of its top benefits. Studies done by the FDA state that the effectivenessof IPL is up to 90% in permanently reducing the hair in the treated area. There’s nothing else like this on the market today: a fast hair removal procedure that gives you reliable and visible results quickly and is also FDA approved; you can’t ask for more.

To find out more about IPL treatments, feel free to call or book an appointment.